I need help with my Disability Tax Credit

You can ask for support before, during and after applying for your DTC.

You can ask for support before, during and after applying for your DTC.

Government organizations

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

Contact the CRA if you have questions about the DTC. Phone: 1-800-959-8281.

Advocacy organizations

Disability Alliance BC (DABC)

DABC provides direct one-on-one support to apply for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), a pre-requisite for the RDSP.

Advocacy Access line: 604-872-1278 or 1-800-663-1278 or email rdsp@disabilityalliancebc.org

Plan Institute

Plan Institute provides information regarding the DTC and RDSP or disability planning.

Information helpline: 1-844-311-7526

5 Myths about the Disability Tax Credit - Plan Institute

British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS)

BCANDS provides information surrounding the DTC and RDSP for Indigenous people living in British Columbia.

Main telephone: 250-381-7303, Toll-free 1-888-815-5511, Facsimile 250-381-7312, Confidential Facsimile 250-381-7343, inquiry email address bcands@bcands.bc.ca Navigators: 250-381-7303 or 1-888-815-5511 ext. 204 (TTY Accessible) or email bcands@bcands.bc.ca


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