Disability Alliance BC - Sample Letter for Your Doctor
Dear Doctor, I am writing to ask you to complete a Medical Report for my application for Canada Pension Plan disability benefits.
If you are under 65 and unable to work because you have a severe and long-term disability, you may be able to get Canada Pension Plan – Disability benefits.
You must have made contributions to Canada Pension Plan (CPP). Service Canada administers the benefit for Employment and Social Development Canada. Quebec has a similar, but separate plan.
You will need a doctor and/or medical professional to fill in the medical forms which are part of some benefits application process (Disability Tax Credit, Canada Pension Plan-Disability and provincial and territorial benefits).
If you do not already have a doctor who knows you, your medical history and how you are impacted in your daily living with a disability, please see below on how to find a doctor who will work with you.
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