
You can get the CPP–Disability benefit if:

  • You are under age 65
  • You contributed enough to the Canada Pension Plan while you were employed
  • You have a severe mental or physical disability that regularly stops you from doing any type of substantially gainful work
  • Your disability is long-term (unlikely to get much better) or is likely to result in death.

Q & A

I am already getting CPP retirement pension. Can I apply?

You can apply for a CPP post-retirement disability benefit if:

  • You are age 60 to 65
  • You have contributed enough to the CPP
  • You have a mental or physical disability that regularly stops you from doing any type of substantially gainful work
  • Your disability is long-term (unlikely to get much better) or is likely to result in death
  • You have been receiving the CPP retirement pension for more than 15 months or became disabled after starting to receive the retirement pension.

Eligibility for the children’s benefit

If you are getting CPP Disability, any of your dependent children can get a monthly payment. They must be:

  • under 18, or
  • between 18 and 25 and attending school full time.

To find out more about this benefit go to CPP Children’s benefit.

How do I get a disability benefit in Quebec?

You should apply for the Quebec Pension Plan disability benefit if one of the following applies to you:

  • You have worked only in the province of Quebec.
  • You currently live in Quebec and have worked both in Quebec and in another province or territory.
  • You have worked in Quebec, currently live outside Canada, and your last province of residence was Quebec.

I am exempt from CPP contributions under section 87 of the Indian Act. Am I eligible to apply for CPP-Disability?

You can only apply if you have contributed to Canada Pension. If you would like to be eligible in the future, you and your employer can choose to contribute to the CPP. Use Form CPT 124, Application for Coverage of Employment of an Indian in Canada under the Canada Pension Plan.

If your employer does not want to contribute, you can still make your own contributions. Use Form CPT 20, Election to Pay Canada Pension Plan Contributions.

For information about contributing to the Quebec Pension Plan, contact the Ministère de Revenue de Quebec.

Can someone apply for CPP-Disability on my behalf?

Another person can help you apply, but you must make the application unless you are not able to manage your own affairs.

You can give your consent for your helper to communicate with Service Canada about your application. There are two ways to do this:

I need to apply on someone’s behalf. How do I get the authority to do that?

If someone cannot manage their own affairs, another person or agency may act on their behalf. Follow these steps:

  1. Have a medical professional complete the Certificate of Incapability form (ISP-3505).
  2. Complete one of the following forms. Select the one that applies to you:
  3. Mail the application form to Service Canada, or drop it off at a Service Canada office.

Note: These forms do not give you the authority to submit the application through the person’s My Service Canada account. You must submit a paper application. You also do not have the authority to change the recipient’s address or request withholding tax.

More information

Learn more about eligibility for CPP-Disability benefits

Visit Employment and Social Development Canada’s Canada Pension Plan disability benefit toolkit. Go through the eligibility requirements one by one to find out if you may be able to get CPP-D.

You can request other formats of the ESDC toolkit online or call 800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232). If you use a teletypewriter (TTY), call 1-800-926-9105. Large print, braille, audio cassette, audio CD, e-text diskette, e-text CD and DAISY are available on demand.

You can also get more details in the Disability Alliance BC’s CPP-D Self Help Guides.


Templates that may help you with your application.

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