
How the Canada Pension Plan–Disability benefit helps:

  • It can provide you with a small monthly income if you cannot work due to your disability.
  • It will automatically convert to a CPP retirement pension when you turn 65.
  • You can get an additional benefit for each dependent child under the age of 18.
  • If you have a child aged 18 to 25 enrolled in full-time study, they can continue to get disability payments directly.
  • While receiving the benefits, you do not make contributions to the Canada Pension Plan.
  • CPP-Disability does not look at your total family income for your eligibility amount. It looks at your income and contributions.

Benefit information

This process may take you several months from start to finish

This website helps you go through the application process step-by-step. You can take your time on each step. You can leave the site and come back later when you have more time, energy, and the documents you may need in a step.

When should I apply?

You should apply as soon as you develop a mental or physical condition that:

  • prevents you from working at any job and
  • is long-term or is likely to result in death.

How much would I get?

The amount of CPP-Disability benefit is based on a flat-rate amount plus additional portions based on your Canada Pension Plan contributions. For example, in 2023, the monthly flat rate amount is $558.74. CPP-Disability is linked to inflation, so the rates change slightly each year. In 2023, the maximum monthly benefit amount is $1,538.67. The average monthly benefit in 2022 was $1,078.07.

How does the children’s benefit work?

For people who are receiving CPP-D benefits, the plan also provides a benefit for each dependent child under the age of 18. In 2022, the amount was $264.53 for each child. This benefit is paid to the custodial parent. In cases of shared custody, Service Canada will consider paying the child benefit to the person collecting CPP-Disability benefits.

If a child of a CPP-Disability recipient is between the ages of 18 and 25 and enrolled in full time school at an accredited institution, this child portion can continue. The payments go to the adult child directly.

Top-up from the B.C. government

You may find that your monthly CPP-Disability rate is less than the provincial disability assistance rate. If so, you may be eligible for a top-up from the provincial government. For example, in B.C., the maximum amount for a single person with the Persons with Disabilities designation is $1,358.50 a month. Contact your local Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction office for more information about this.

I am receiving other government benefits. If I get the CPP-Disability benefit, will it affect my eligibility or amounts I can get from the other benefits?

Receiving CPP-Disability does not affect any federal benefits.

It may affect your provincial or territorial benefits. For example, in British Columbia, if you earn more than what you receive in Persons with Disabilities (PWD) benefits, you will be removed from PWD benefits.

Receiving CPP-Disability will not reduce the amount of CPP retirement pension you receive at age 65.

Other ways to plan for your future

Most likely, CPP-Disability alone will not meet your every need. Most people with disabilities will need supports from other federal and provincial programs. To learn about other benefits, you may be able to get, use the Benefits wayfinder.

There are other supports for planning for the future like wills, trusts, estate planning, and supported decision-making. To learn more, visit Plan Institute’s Workshops and Webinars.


Templates that may help you with your application.

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