I need help with my Disability Tax Credit
You can ask for support before, during and after applying for your DTC.
Use the Disability Tax Credit Tool to give your medical practitioner information they need to fill out the T2201 form. This easy-to-use tool will ask you some questions to get a better sense of your eligibility and restrictions. It will then compile your responses into documents for you to download, print, or email to yourself. Give these documents to your medical practitioner along with your T2201 form.
Using this tool can also help identify which disability categories apply to you, such as walking, dressing, or mental functions needed for everyday life. It will help you think about what symptoms you have and how they affect your activities. For example, loss of motor control may affect dressing. It will also help you think about how often your symptoms occur. Does this meet the definition of “restricted in one or more activities all or substantially all of the time”? Remember that “restricted” could either mean you cannot do the activity or that it takes you a great deal longer to do it.
Before using the Disability Tax Credit Tool, you have to agree to the DTC App Terms and Conditions. This is to protect your personal information and to make sure you understand that the tool cannot guarantee your application will be successful.
If you need any help using the Disability Tax Credit Tool, contact Disability Alliance B.C. at 604-872-1278 (toll free: 1-800-663-1278) or email rdsp@disablityalliancebc.org.
What province are you from?
Knowing your province helps us make this tool the best experience for you.