Step 9


You are at the end of the steps in the PWD application process. PWD status is one of many tools to help you build a good life now and in the future.

You can look at other benefits you may be able to get using the Benefits wayfinder.

Here are a few examples:

Endowment 150 benefit Endowment 150 offers eligible people with disabilities a one-time grant of $150 to help their Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) grow.

Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers (PPMB) - (B.C.) An alternate to the PWD designation (not in addition to it) is the PPMB. If you have long-term barriers to employment that are not expected to go away in the short term, you will be exempt from having to look for work. You may also be able to get a higher support rate and additional benefits.

BC Bus Pass Program Persons with Disabilities can receive a bus pass as part of their disability assistance.

Indigenous Disability Canada’s – Support for Indigenous Student Learning Program (SISLP) | ( This is a time-limited project for Indigenous students across Canada who have limited financial resources, including students living with disabilities. They accept applications from students of any age enrolled in a formal educational institution (either online, remote, or through on-site learning). Students can receive a laptop and other technology and equipment needed for their educational success.


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