Here are the steps you can follow to apply for Registered Disability Saving Plan. Click ‘Start step 1’ at the bottom of this page. This will take you to step one. Keep track of the steps you have completed by printing this page (select print from your browser) and checking off each step as you complete it. Go ahead to the step where you would like to continue.
You can go through the steps at your own pace. If you need help at any step, go to the Help page to find out where you can get support with your application.
- Are you a resident in Canada?
- Do you have a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN)?
- Have you been approved for the Disability Tax Credit?
- Have you filed your income tax returns?
- Have you chosen the financial institution where you will open your RDSP?
- Have you decided who will be the holder of your RDSP?
- Have you opened your RDSP?
- Are you aware of other benefits you may be eligible for?
- Have you decided how to invest your money?
- Do you have a will, or have you updated your existing will?
- Would you like to learn more about protecting your money and managing your RDSP?
- Here is information on protecting your money and managing your RDSP