
People with disabilities who live in Quebec and who meet the necessary age, financial, and resident criteria may be eligible to receive benefits under the Social Solidarity and the Basic Income Programs.

Both programs help individuals and families living with a long-term disability that severely limits your capacity for employment.

To receive the Basic Income Program, you must first apply for and receive the Social Solidarity Program. Once you are approved for the Social Solidarity Program you do not need to apply for the Basic Income Program. You will automatically receive it if you meet the eligibility requirements.

Each step involved in the application process for the Social Solidary Program will be described in detail in this module. You can leave the site and come back later when you have more time, energy, and the documents you may need to complete a step.

Please note: You may need a doctor or other medical professional to fill out parts of the application on your behalf, to confirm your disability.

Benefit information

This process may take you several months from start to finish

This website helps you go through the application process step-by-step. You can take your time on each step. You can leave the site and come back later when you have more time, energy, and the documents you may need in a step.

If you are approved to receive benefits under the Social Solidary Program, you may receive up to these amounts

Total basic benefit in 2023, including any eligible adjustment:

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