How to apply

Here are the steps you can follow to apply for Assured Income and AccessAbility Supports. Although they are two separate programs, you will complete the application process for both programs at the same time. Click ‘Start step 1’ at the bottom of this page. This will take you to step one. At the bottom of each page there will be a “Next” button you can click once you have completed that step. If you have already completed a step, you can skip it. Go ahead and start by clicking on the step where you would like to start.

You can go through the steps at your own pace. If you need help at any step, go to the Help page to find out where you can get support with your application.

Please note: if you are in dire financial need, your Support Coordinator may follow a slightly different protocol so that you can receive financial support more quickly. These cases are rare, but if you are in this situation your Support Coordinator will work with you to ensure you complete all of the necessary steps.

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