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Step 7 - Ontario Disability Support Program

Have you submitted a disability determination package?

You answered "no".

Here is the information you will need to submit a disability determination package

Once you have met the financial eligibility to receive ODSP, you must demonstrate that you meet the criteria to be considered a person with a disability. You will do this by completing the disability determination package (DDP). The DDP will be filled out by a health care professional. A health care professional can be a doctor, a nurse practitioner, or a psychologist.

Prescribed Classes

Please note, if you belong to a prescribed class, you will not need to complete the DDP. Members of prescribed classes include:

  • A person who, on May 31, 1998, was a recipient of benefits under specific case classes under the Family Benefits Act, 1992
  • A person who is 65+ years old and who is not eligible for Old Age Security (OAS)
  • People who receive Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPP-D) benefits
  • People who receive Quebec Pension Plan Disability (QPP-D) benefits
  • A person who receives an award under the English and Wabigoon River Systems Mercury Contamination Settlement Agreement Act, 1986
  • A person who was a resident of a Schedule 1 facility under the former Development Service Act (DSA), who ceased to be resident of that facility on or after June 1, 1998
  • A person who is already determined eligible for services and supports and funding under the Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008 (SIPDDA)
  • A person who currently resides in a home under the Homes for Special Care Act or a person who resided in a home under that Act on or after January 1, 2018, but has since left that home
  • A resident or former resident of homes that are part of the Community Homes for Opportunity program
  • Persons currently residing in:
    • A facility that was a Provincial Psychiatric Hospital
    • The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (in Toronto)
    • The Homewood Health Centre (in Guelph)

Included in the Disability Determination Package

The DDP will be provided to you and will include the following sections:

  • An instruction sheet with information on who can complete the forms and how to fill them out
  • A health status report that asks for information about your medical information. This includes information about your impairment, its restrictions, treatments you are receiving, and the duration of the impairment.
  • An activities of daily living index, which asks for information about how your medical condition impacts your daily life. This includes your ability to work, care for yourself, and participate in your community.
  • A self report, which gives you the opportunity to describe how your disability impacts your daily life
  • A consent form to release your medical information, which you will complete and sign.
  • You and your health care professional can submit other documentation you think could provide necessary additional information.

Once the application is completed, it can be sent digitally by your health care professional to the Disability Adjudication Unit or mailed to the Disability Adjudication Unit using the addressed envelope, which will be included in the DDP package.

Continue to step 8


Feeling overwhelmed?

Someone can help you with your application. Find an organization to help you here.

What province are you from?

Knowing your province helps us make this tool the best experience for you.

Important information about benefits for Indigenous Peoples

If you are Indigenous there are many things that affect the benefits you can get and the dollar amounts you can get from them. These include the agreements your band or governing body has with provincial, territorial, and federal governments. Before applying to any benefits, you should speak with your governing body, if applicable.

AFOA Canada and Prosper Canada are currently seeking funding to develop an online tool that serves the needs of Indigenous people living in Canada.