Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about Social Assistance and the Supplementary Allowance

Do I need to report all forms of income, even if it won’t influence my eligibility for Social Assistance?

Yes! You should report ALL forms of income, regardless of whether you think it will impact your eligibility for Social Assistance.

Do I need to repay overpayments, if I receive one?

An overpayment occurs when you receive more financial support than you are eligible to receive. If this occurs, you will be required to pay back any additional financial support you received.

How do I prevent an overpayment?

To prevent an overpayment, ensure that you report all changes that could influence your eligibility for Social Assistance or the amount of financial support you receive through Social Assistance.

If I do not qualify for the Supplementary Allowance, can I still receive Social Assistance?

Yes. You do not need to qualify for the Supplementary Allowance to receive financial support through Social Assistance.

What province are you from?

Knowing your province helps us make this tool the best experience for you.