Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID).
Do I need to bring any blank forms with me to my intake appointment?
No, you do not need to bring any forms with you. All necessary forms will be provided to you by your Assured Income Specialist.
I have assets or receive income that are exempt and will not impact my eligibility to receive SAID benefits. Should I still report them?
Yes! You must report ALL forms of income and assets you have.
I have been approved for temporary SAID benefits. What does that mean?
If you meet the financial criteria, you can receive temporary SAID benefits. This will allow time for you to complete all aspects of the application and for the Ministry to determine if your full application will be approved. Temporary SAID benefits will be less than the full SAID benefits and will be replaced by full benefits once your full application is approved.
What can I do if I don't meet the financial eligibility to receive the SAID or SIS programs?
If you do not meet the financial eligibility criteria and you disagree with this decision, you have the right to appeal. You can see more details about the appeals process under the title “What happens if your application is denied?”
What if I don’t know my level of care?
If you are receiving personal care in the home of a relative or a personal care home, you will have your physician complete the Medical Report – Assessment of Level of Care instead of completing the Disability Impact Assessment. You will be provided this form by the Ministry.
If you live in an approved private-service home, special care home, or are in a hospital long-term, your level of care will be determined by the Community Living Service Delivery or the Ministry of Health. You will not need to complete a Disability Impact Assessment.
I received an overpayment. Am I required to pay it back?
Yes, if you received an overpayment you will be required to pay it back. If you are no longer receiving benefits, you will be contacted by the Ministry’s Accounts Receivable Unit to make a payment arrangement. If you do not make arrangements to correct the overpayment, the amount of the overpayment can be taken away from your income tax refund or other income sources such as GST rebates.
My Disability Impact Assessment was not approved. What can I do now?
If you met the financial requirements but your Disability Impact Assessment was not approved and you do not agree with the decision that was made, you can request an appeal of the Disability Impact Assessment.
If you agree with the decision that was made but still require financial assistance, you may want to consider applying for Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) instead.