Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about Assured Income and AccessAbility Supports

What is the difference between Assured Income and AccessAbility Supports?

Assured Income provides financial support for those who qualify. AccessAbility Supports provides personalized assistance to those who qualify based on their disability needs.

Do I need to qualify for both Assured Income and AccessAbility Supports to receive help?

No! You can receive personalized support through AccessAbility Supports even if you do not qualify for Assured Income. However, you will need to pay for a portion of the services you receive.

Do I need to complete separate applications for Assured Income and AccessAbility Supports?

You will be assessed for both types of support at the same time.

Will AccessAbility Supports assist with paying for physiotherapy or chiropractor appointments?

No, AccessAbility Supports will not assist with the cost of medical services such as physiotherapy or chiropractor appointments. AccessAbility Supports will assist with supports or devices that directly assist you with basic activities of daily living.

Examples of devices that directly assist with basic activities of daily living:

  • Orthotics
  • Walker
  • Assistive technology
  • Cleaning services
  • Snow removal
  • Meals on wheels

Will Accessibility Supports assist with paying for my medical supplies such as diabetic supplies or bandages for wound care?

Medical Supplies are not covered under Accessibility Supports. Based on your income, medical supplies may be covered as expenses under the Assured Income program if you qualify.

If I have a job, can I keep the money I earn?

If you are employed while receiving Assured Income, you can keep a portion of your income. You can keep the first $500 plus 30% of any amount earned above $500.

What province are you from?

Knowing your province helps us make this tool the best experience for you.