Frequently Asked Questions
Will I receive back pay to the time of application?
In some cases you may receive retroactive payments. The commencement date is that your AISH benefits start. You will receive retroactive payments in a lump-sum payment dating back to the commencement date.
Determining your commencement date
If you applied for AISH benefits and were approved, the commencement date is the first day of the month in which your completed application with all relevant information was received.
If you provided new medical information that resulted in you getting approved for AISH, your commencement date is the date the new medical information was received.
If you underwent the appeals process, your commencement date will be specified by the appeal panel. If a date is not specified, your commencement date is the first day of the month when the information that supported your eligibility for AISH was received.
Do I need to track my income?
Yes, you will need to track your income. There are three reporting periods you could be assigned to, which will depend on how stable your financial situation is.
Annual Reporting
If Annual Reporting is selected for you, you will only need to report your income once a year. This reporting period will be selected if you have no income, stable income, or income that is less than the exempt income amount.
Quarterly Reporting
If Quarterly Reporting is chosen for you, you will need to report your income every three months. This option will be used if your income varies significantly month to month or if your income is more than the exempt income amount.
Monthly Reporting
If Monthly Reporting is chosen for you, you will need to report your income every month. This option will be used if you income varies from month to month or if a history of your income needs to be kept to consider other reporting periods.
How do I report changes?
Any changes should be reported to your AISH worker.
Do I need to notify AISH of changes? When?
You are required to report all changes including changes to your financial situation, your medical situation, or your family arrangement. You should report changes as soon as they occur.